I'm the girl you kiss once before you flee. The girl you lose your breath chasing after until her arms and legs give way. You tackle my fatigued body to the ground, and we roll through the grassy ground, my limp body positioned and posed by your strong, veiny hands. The lion devours the lamb and takes his leave. Your menacing gait marching into the night, powered by a victorious pursuit. My lifeless corpse left alone in the dark. The memory of the chase locked away safely in your mind, for you to retrieve one day in your warm nest, over the soft sounds of your life-mate, slumbering on your chest.
I love to watch you weep for me
For I could never cry
My eyes and chest have burst and broke
And left me stone cold, dry
To feel no sorrow
Nor heed no pain
Left a small blind ball
In a dark dreary sea
You: a glowing orb
You seem to call for me
I have no sight nor smell nor taste
But my body finds itself with you
Let me bite you
And become you
I must feel you
To feel
You must feel me too
I will stay by your side forever
My mouth melted into your skin
Our blood will flow as one
For I cannot live without you
I am banished from the sun
Let my epithet read epiphyte
For orchids are not parasites
For I could never cry
My eyes and chest have burst and broke
And left me stone cold, dry
To feel no sorrow
Nor heed no pain
Left a small blind ball
In a dark dreary sea
You: a glowing orb
You seem to call for me
I have no sight nor smell nor taste
But my body finds itself with you
Let me bite you
And become you
I must feel you
To feel
You must feel me too
I will stay by your side forever
My mouth melted into your skin
Our blood will flow as one
For I cannot live without you
I am banished from the sun
Let my epithet read epiphyte
For orchids are not parasites